Tuesday, August 13, 2013

What's Bug'n the Martinez

So, while driving to work this morning, I had a thought.  People have apparently gone stupid on the subject of DRIVING 101!!!  If it is raining outside, that does not give you an automatic free pass to go 30 on the Interstate.  Then I look over to the person in the drivers seat and they can't be more that 17 or 18...or they are closing in on 150 years old.  Either way, if you can't drive while there is a little bit of precipitation, STAY HOME or take the bus.  We, as a community, may need to educate these young folk on the concept of defensive driving vs stupid driving.

Next thing on my list of complaints.....common sense in regards to social media.  I can't tell you the amount of Spam I see come across my news feed.  All of this Spam is coming from people who repost/share/like some random page/post so that they can win some expensive item that only the first 100 people that share and like it will get.  Or my favorite...the "Facebook is going to cost you $9.99 per month unless you repost this" scam.  You people must realize there is some 12 - 30 year old in his/her moms basement laughing at you for reposting this mess.  I mean really people, use some common sense here.  For an IT person it's funny/frustrating to watch people do this.  Do your research.  There are sites out there that will tell you what is true/false. And I seriously doubt I would trust a Post from someone claiming to be Mark Zuckerberg that facebook is shutting down.  Try looking at a reputable news site. (Not People Magazine Madam Martinez!!!) 

Funny thing about these is that some people will repost it but say "It's probably a scam but it doesn't hurt just in case".  There is a quote from one of the greatest movies of all time, Star Wars..."Who's the more foolish, the fool or the fool who follows him?".  This can apply here...Who's the more foolish, the fool who posted this garbage, or the one that reposts it?  I'd say the latter.

Finally, My last soap box item of the day is MOST politicians(this could take all day)....nuff said!

My rant is complete.

Thanks for reading
The Martinez


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